Saturday 1 December 2012

Work hard, play hard!

So it's December and work is piling up...yet the end is in sight with only the hurdles of two assignments, a term paper and three finals to hard can it be really? You may think that with all this work I surely wouldn't have much to update you on...but this is where you would be wrong! Apart from a wonderful trip to Chinook Mall on Black Friday to scoop up some bargains (I would talk about them but they were mainly Christmas presents so I feel I can't...however I did get a lovely pair of leather shorts), I've also been to the cinema to see Breaking Dawn (don't judge me!) and to see Life of Pi (HIGHLY recommend it when you get it out there!) Like all good friends, important as work is, birthdays are equally if not more important! So since last talking to you there have been two birthday celebrations!

Firstly Brittany! She turned 21 (very exciting!) and with my new leather shorts on we headed out to Cowboys! Cowboys is kind of like Ranchmans, but in a casino and much larger. Plus it plays a mix of country and chart stuff. I think I'm finally understanding Canadian line dancing and even managed to show a Canadian how to do it! I was very impressed with myself!

Then the next day was the birthday of excessive amounts of people, also known as Project Cascade or Project X. With over 170 people attending on FB the party was spread over two flats, and even then it was pretty rammed. By half 9 the CAs had come to shut down the parties and apparently the flats were completely trashed. The party buses that had been organised arrived at 10 so everyone just chilled about in smaller groups till then. Waiting for the party buses was possibly one of the coldest experiences of my life but as soon as we were on the bus (after the police slowing down to question why there were over 100 uni students waiting outside on the side of the road) it warmed up quickly enough! We headed to Exchange (which was where the Ski Club party had been held) and we pretty much were 90% of the people there that night which was awesome! After claiming our free drink we danced the night away then at 2am (clubs shut at 2 here) got on the party bus to go home. I have to say it's probably been one of, if not the best night out I've had since being here. Just all round good times and great to have so many friends out!

Aside from birthdays went out for catch up drinks with Steph and Kate and her friend Matt last night which was lovely. I absolutely love Julios, such a great bar so that was great! Also nice to have quite a chilled evening. Then today besides doing some work me and Claire headed off to Market Mall to do a bit of Christmas shopping including shopping for the Secret Santa us girls are doing! We may have got slightly over excited about the presents which we've found but I can't say anymore here because that would ruin the surprise!! Also apart from the normal bible study, this week had Unite the Light where all the Christian groups on campus come together to worship and pray together, was a really lovely time!

All in all it's been a great few weeks since last wrote! Probably will update in a week's time as a LOT going on this week, then it's finals, then a week of freedom then coming home! How time flies eh?

Cowboys (loook how lovely my shorts are!)

Waiting for the bus!

Me and Claire at Exhange

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